Current Programs and Services

Saskatoon Métis Local 126 provides programs and services identified and requested by our members. We have provided quite a few programs over the years, and we are always looking for new ideas for how we can better support our members and the larger Métis community.

Supporting Métis post-secondary students

Saskatoon Métis Local 126 supports Métis post-secondary students in Saskatoon. We work to promote the Local at the post-secondary campuses in Saskatoon to encourage students to join Local 126 and get engaged with the Métis community in Saskatoon.

Local 126 is committed to identifying and supporting Métis learners' needs in post-secondary education, training, and skills development, as well as transitions to/from post-secondary education, training, and the workforce. This includes efforts to:

Urban Programming for Indigenous People (UPIP)

UPIP is a federal program designed to assist First Nations (status and non-status), Inuit, and Métis living in or transitioning to urban centres. Funding is also available for organizations that serve rural and northern areas that act as hubs for those living on reserves or in smaller northern settlements. Thus far, funding has been used to provide programs and services. Projects that focus on these six key areas will be considered for funding:

Local 126 has used these funds to provide various programs and services to our members and the larger Métis community and to build our capacity.

Research projects